Hi, and thanks for stopping by.
Today's post is going to be a quick wrap up of the best books I read in the month of March! I'd love to hear about your favourite reads from last month, so please do leave a comment telling me all about them down below!! March was a pretty slow reading month for me, because I was still recovering from the operation I had at the end of February, so there's only a few reviews down below to enjoy! Here's to hoping April is more successful!!! For now, though, on with the books...
Susan nielsen’s
optimists die first
4 stars
4 stars

Annoyingly, I took this book back to the library without thinking to take a photograph of it first, hence why it isn't in the stack and this above picture has been pulled from Google! Anyway! I really adored this book. Not only was it an accurate, pretty harrowing (in places) portrayal of OCD and phobias but it was, somehow, simultaneously, hilarious. Petula was one of my favourite protagonists of 2018 so far - I absolutely loved reading her story!! I could easily read another novel in her voice.
Meet cute – an anthology
4 stars
4 stars
This is an anthology curated by Jennifer L. Armentrout (whose writing I really love) and it's made up of stories about people meeting for the very first time - and often the whole "love at first sight" concept. Considering that, this wasn't a cheese-fest at all, so I really loved it. My favourite story was absolutely Jocelyn Davies's The Unlikely Likelihood of Falling in Love with Emery Lord's Oomph coming in at a close second place!! I'd definitely recommend reading this if you want something light, varied and just purely enjoyable. There was a great mix of contemporary with some sci-fi/dystopian stuff, too and a combination of well-known authors and some slightly lesser known names (at least to me!!).
Lisa heathfield’s
4 stars
The next few books I don't have my own photos of because I've had some trouble with getting my own photographs uploaded onto my laptop. Hopefully I'll have that figured out soon!! Anyway, I've only read one other of Lisa's books (Flight of a Starling) which I ended up really not enjoying, so this was SUCH a pleasant surprise...I say pleasant, it was actually the seriously creepy tale of life in a cult. There were some moments that gave me actual physical chills - the ending with that white drink...AHHH, so freaky!!! I'd definitely recommend this book.
Jennifer mathieu’s
the truth about alice
4 stars
This was another feisty, feminist read from Jennifer - a little less focus on girl power than MOXIE and more so on the potentially devastating effects of the small town rumour mill & football heroes mentality. It was the story of Alice, a girl who supposedly slept with two guys in one night, one of whom died in a car crash soon after. It was told in four perspectives, each of which was expertly done - the characters felt so flawed and real and I thought they were really bravely written in that none of them were 100% likeable really, even Alice herself (who we only hear from directly at the end of the story). I really enjoyed reading this book - I devoured it one evening.
Once again, just like in February, NO five star reads this month!!! I can't believe I've only given ONE five star review so far in 2018. I seriously hope I find that magical number two (and many, many more) in April.
Till next time
I've been hearing mostly good things about Meet Cute. I hope your your recovery is going well and that April will be a good month for you.
ReplyDeleteYeah - I really enjoyed it. Thank you, that's really sweet. Same to you!!